Joy and Worship


I know what you are thinking, “Joy to the World? We went from a Halloween blog post last week straight to a Christmas post this week.” I assure you, don’t worry; I am not going down that road for this post. Today, I will be writing about joy and worship.

Somehow as a worship pastor I feel like I need to use a song when I discuss something; so, I will start right here with “Joy to the World.”

For those that know me well, they would tell you I am a researcher. I love learning and digging for that fun fact.

Fun fact: “Joy to the World” is not about Christmas.

The writer of these lyrics, Isaac Watts, was inspired by Psalm 98. If we go there, we do not find a baby Jesus wrapped up in a manger, but a powerful King Jesus returning to reign over His creation. Take a second and read these verses here.

As a believer, these verses remind of us that we have hope; we have a Savior that is faithful and will return. This should get us pumped up. This should make us want to sing praises and worship.

I love how these verses mention singing (“a joyful noise” for some of us) as worship, because it makes me want to do just that. [Confession: I’m also listening to “How He Loves,” which in it’s own right does that same thing.] Worship is just an overflow of our heart overfilled with the joy only knowing Christ can bring.

I hope as we continue this week to learn about Joy that you remember that Christ’s love for you is more than enough reason to have enough Joy during any “Season” of life.

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