The Way Sermon Series

2000 years ago, as Jesus was preparing his apostles for life after the resurrection, he told them he was building his ekklesia or assembly through them and he used language…

Ministry, Servitude, and Community

In church you always have a minister who talks about serving in the ministry, and being a community. Sometimes, often they don’t go into what that looks like. It’s left…

How to read Jesus on Lust & Divorce

Last weekend we finished up 2 of Jesus’s more “culturally” difficult teachings in the Sermon on the Mount around the topics of sexuality. Namely that while sexual desire is a…

Ash Wednesday Service

Lent is the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday (not counting Sundays). It has been marked by restraint and fasting by believers since the Council of Nicea in…

When others exclude you…

Last weekend we were wrapping up the Beatitudes as the introduction to Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. It ends with a statement of blessing over those that have experienced persecution…

Does truth matter?

There’s a video floating around of Keanu Reeves talking about a conversation he had over dinner with a friend’s kids about The Matrix. They hadn’t seen the films and so…

Is ‘Deconstruction’ a bad word?

If you google most anything on church trends right now, you’ll find some statistic or blog post on the declining church. Pew Research regularly conducts surveys on “The Rise of…