Getting the Most out of Christmas


Ah, it’s Christmastime again!
It really is a great time of year full of lights, gift giving, carols, family and the story of Jesus’s birth.

Unfortunately, it is also the time of short tempers, political controversy and wondering if the gift card rack is in the same place it was last year…

So, how do you get the most out of Christmas?
Here are a few tips to enjoy the merry events of the season.

1. Find time to do something fun with friends and family. Understand that relationships are the most important part of this season. Jesus came so that our relationship with God and other believers could be restored.

2. Spend some time, each day, meditating on God’s love for you. Jesus came for you and He wants to be active in your life right now.

3. Look for opportunities to bless people you DON’T know. Getting the whole family involved in sharing our abundance with those in need helps to drive home the reason for this season.

4. Worship. Everyone that came into contact with the announcement of Jesus’s birth responded in worship. We invite you to join us tomorrow night, Friday the 23rd for our Christmas “Adam” Candlelight Service! It will be high energy worship and a chance to be reflective as well. REMEMBER…We won’t have services on Christmas Day. Our next Sunday worship service will be on New Year’s Day.

5. Stay after our Christmas “Adam” service and fellowship with your church family. Plan to bring a favorite Christmas snack or finger food to share with everyone else. This is another great opportunity to value relationships this season.

6. Read the Christmas Story with your family on Christmas morning. This is a wonderful tradition to start, especially if you have young children in the house. Before opening gifts, read the Christmas Story together and thank God for his wonderful gift.

We hope you have an incredible time with your family and friends as we celebrate the greatest gift that has ever been given.

From all of us at Journey, Merry Christmas!

Mark Love
Lead Pastor

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