And Darkness Rejoiced…

Easter is a month away. Why is that important? Well, besides the obvious historical and religious reasons, planning for that service has already begun. On my end that means stage design has been decided upon (thanks Nicky), materials are being purchased (thanks Mark), materials are being donated (thanks Wes), musician and tech team schedules are getting solidified (thanks everyone), and songs are being selected.

As I was looking through new music, these song lyrics really stood out to me:

Our Savior displayed on a criminal’s cross
And darkness rejoiced as though Heaven had lost
But then Jesus arose with our freedom in hand
When death was arrested and my life began
– “When Death Was Arrested” by NorthPoint InsideOut

Take a listen here, it is well worth your time.

Now I’m not sure if I will use this song or not for this Easter, but as I listened to this set of lyrics in the third verse, I began to think what I would have thought on that “Good” Friday. It would definitely be different than I what I would think today, as I would not know the end of the story. As I stood there watching him raised up, the man I declared the Son of God would be crucified. I would be expecting another miracle. There would be no way that God would just stand by and let this happen, He would just split the sky and set his son free. Yet, no rescue came. We would see the Son of Man die. I would have been confused, discouraged, and possibly filled with disbelief.

I’ve never thought about the other side, those that did not believe in him. They would be happy to see this man die. They would believe that this proved their belief that he was not the Son of God. But there was a problem. This was part of the plan.

Sunday was coming… “But then Jesus arose with our freedom in hand.”

Our planning, our efforts, the songs we choose, whether or not we have a full band on stage for our Easter service, it really does not matter. The reason we do everything is Jesus. If you want to meet this Jesus and do not attend regularly come on out and meet our awesome church family. If you know Jesus, start inviting people to the Easter service now that do not know him.

Richard Jacobs
Worship Pastor

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