Where are you headed?


Throughout my life, I have stopped to ask a very simple question…Where am I headed in life?

It’s not a unique question to me…but I ask it regularly.

Many people, in fact, want to know that they are going somewhere. It’s hardwired into the very fabric of our emotional drives. We like forward motion…progress…the belief that what is to come is better than what has been.

To be honest, some days I am happier with the answers than others. Some days I want massive amounts of change in my life. Other days, I don’t want anything to change. As you can imagine, I like the latter rather than the former.

Through it all, Paul reminds us that God is at work in a way that I may not understand but I can be confident in the place He is leading us.

Romans 8:28 ESV
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

His purpose.


HIS purpose.

God has a purpose and it is steeped in great care and planning for me and for you. In the days that you aren’t sure where you are heading, be confident of this. God has a purpose for you and it will be…Awesome.

Mark Love
Lead Pastor

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