In case you haven’t heard, Vacation Bible School starts Sunday! We are super excited for our Walk this Way theme that details the apostle Paul’s journey to Jesus. We will follow the story of Paul, and how he started as a persecutor of Christians, but when he met Jesus, he had a completely life changing experience. He went from stoning Christians, to spreading Jesus’ story to others all over the world!
Kids will learn that just like Jesus changed Paul, he can change them too. This may be the first time they understand that Jesus actually lived, died, and rose again to save them. And if they already know Jesus as their Savior, this will be a growing experience for them where they can learn that no matter what we do on earth, we’re never too damaged or too far gone for Jesus to save and turn into something great for him.
Not only will your kids learn about the apostle Paul and how he met Jesus, but they will also learn how to share Jesus with others. Paul become one of the greatest missionaries. Your kids will be empowered by Paul’s story, and also learn practical ways to share their faith with others. Your kids will learn how to WALK with God, TALK with God, and SHARE their faith.
And it’s not too late to invite their friends! At Journey, we always want our focus to be on bringing others to Christ. And we want to start instilling that in our kids now! Encourage your kids to invite a friend that they know doesn’t go to church, and encourage them to pray for that friend. It is never too early for us to start sharing our faith.
Not only will your kids be learning about Paul and his journey to Jesus, but they will be watching live drama, playing outside games, making crafts, eating awesome snacks, and more! You definitely don’t want your kids to miss this awesome week of learning and fun! We hope to see you all there!
Christie Crowe
Children’s Director