We’ve been spending most of the past several weeks with our students discussing why we believe what we believe. About God, about the Bible, about our purpose and existence, pretty much anything pertaining to our faith. What we’ve found is that for the majority of us in the Student Ministry at Journey, the foundations of our faith and our thought processes surrounding it were impacted and even partially molded by other people in our lives–parents, grandparents, pastors and Sunday School teachers. It’s really been an interesting time for me to coincide with this series that we’re doing with the Youth. I have found myself examining some of the points of emphasis for my own faith and researching where various doctrines and teachings over the past several decades and centuries have come from. I’ll be the first to tell you, I do not consider myself to be a very deep theological thinker. However, I am very well aware of the importance to be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks regarding the hope that is in me (1 Peter 3:15). That said, I’ve been taking the time to look specifically to the Scriptures to see what they say about these things, because, you know, what better source of authority on the issues? What does the Christian life look like? What is the importance and meaning of baptism? What does the Bible say about music in corporate worship? What does church really look like? I think most of us have thoughts on these questions (I know I do). I want to see how these thoughts that I have that have developed over the years align with Scriptural definition. And by the way, I do think it’s important that anyone who believes himself to be a follower of Christ do the same.
With my study, I listen to sermons and sometimes short explanations of various topics, as I want to hear what others’ convictions are with these issues. I think the perspectives of others are important to consider. If they are Biblical and sound, the differing perspective is a good learning opportunity to understand something better. If it is not Biblical and to be treated with caution, it helps in developing spiritual wisdom and sharpening discernment. Perhaps a lot for me to share with you to get to this, but I heard a very interesting quote earlier this week when I was listening to a 10-minute talk on practically living out a Christian life. It went like this:
“We get as much of God as we want.”
You have to read it a time or two before you really grasp it. We can have as much of God as we want. As much as WE WANT. How much of God do you want in your life? How badly do you want Him? This a short and simple thought, but very profound and deeper than it initially seems. Think about how much you say you want God in your life. Now think about what your priorities reflect about what you said about Him. Pretty tough pill to swallow huh? (It is for me too.)
Be open to the challenge of digging into what you truly believe and be willing to search yourself to see just how much of God you want. If you find that your priorities or your attitude don’t truly reflect wanting much of God, don’t remain that way, but don’t be discouraged either. Search the ways that you might desire Him more and might be able to have more of Him. Here, I both point you back to Scripture and challenge you to dig for yourself. I think you might just begin to see the joy in it much sooner than you might think.
David Henderson
Student Pastor