Small Groups

We believe that life is best lived in relationships with God and with other people. While we love the time we get to spend with each other on Sunday mornings, in reality, there is only so much we can invest in you and so much time for you to build relationships with others.

Journey Groups are small groups of people from all backgrounds and life experiences who meet throughout our city to fulfill 3 basic functions.

1. Help you build stronger relationships with others which just seems more difficult in the past few years following the pandemic and really isn’t possible on a Sunday morning alone.

2. Help you grow in your faith and understanding of the Bible while learning from others life experiences.

3. Give you an opportunity to invest in the lives of others from your own life experiences and growth as a follower of Jesus.

We also recognize that while we all need community, we may not all be looking for the same type of group experience. Look over the group opportunities below to see if one might interest you and if not, we will be making new groups available in the coming months that might be a better fit.

Many of our regular attenders and members are fairly new to Journey and don’t know each other very well, yet. That’s why we offer community groups with our focus on…you guessed it…community. Groups are gathering in different parts of our city for any number of different activities. It could be a meal at someone’s home, lunch after church at a restaurant, going for a walk or sitting down for a Bible study. While we expect our group experiences to continue to evolve, we hope you will either find a group in your area or might even start one, yourself. Click the “Learn More” button to find a group near you or to learn how to start your own group!

BEMA Discipleship is a ministry and podcast with Marty Solomon. For those who are interested in a deeper dive into the scriptures, we meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 to discuss what we have listened to and processed in that week’s podcast episode. It’s not intended to be a “study” where we teach Marty, in fact, we don’t always agree with Marty. It’s intended to be a time where we are exposed to some of the deeper meanings of scripture and it’s implications in our lives today. It has become a life-giving group of friends who don’t always agree, but always have something meaningful to discuss. Our current schedule and episode guide can be found by clicking the “Learn More” button.

Brews and Views is a new monthly group forming to discuss important topics in live, faith and culture over a beer or other drink of your choice. As divisions grow in the world around us we feel it’s time to learn how to talk to each other again, even if we disagree. The goal of these events is not to convince anyone of a specific perspective, but to passionately share what we believe in a safe environment while others have the opportunity to do the same. We believe that the issues in the world need to be discussed and different opinions need to be heard while still enjoying friendships over a beer.

We intend to begin primarily with members from Journey as we “work out the kinks” and learn how to develop this kind of environment among ourselves. Once we feel we have done that, we intend to open it up to the public for them to join us, too. We don’t expect everyone to agree. In fact, it won’t be very helpful if we do. But, we believe we will begin to make a difference in our community when we re-learn the virtues of listening to divergent views and being able to share our own views in a way that brings understanding instead of shame.

We know that getting involved in a group can be a difficult decision, especially if you are new to a church or if your lives are super busy. We assure you that everyone felt exactly like you do before they decided to take this important step in their spiritual growth. In fact, our new community groups are being formed for someone just like you.

If you are interested in becoming part of a group or would like to learn more about existing group locations, please contact us at We would love to help you get plugged in during this leg of your journey!

Interested in joining a group?

Check out some of the group opportunities above and sign up if you would like more information or are ready to get involved!

Interested in a group? Which one?(Required)