2022 Bible Reading Plan
Read the Entire Bible in 1 Year, TOGETHER!
2022 Churchwide Reading Plan
This year, we would like to read through the entire Bible with YOU! Here’s how it works:
Two of the most helpful tools available for reading and learning about the Bible have come together to form an amazing 365 day reading plan; YouVersion and The Bible Project.
Each day, you will have approximately 20 minutes of reading from Genesis through Revelation and along the way, you can supplement your learning through The Bible Project’s content videos.
Starting the week of January 10th, you will have an opportunity to talk about what you are reading and learning through a weekly Zoom call with Pastor Mark while Omicron is still looming large. Once this latest variant is in our rearview mirrors, we will offer some in-person options to meet, too.
Gather any questions, concerns, doubts, frustrations or new breakthroughs and let’s talk them through! It’s a great way to read and learn, together.
There are 2 ways to get involved. 1) Go to the YouVersion link below and follow along through their app. You can read scripture, have it read to you or you can use your own Bible and keep track through the app. 2) Download the printable reading plan below and follow along with whatever Bible tools you prefer.
Also, be sure to fill out the form below if you are interested in joining a group by Zoom or in-person once Omicron has bit the dust. It’s a great way to start the new year, together!

This plan takes you on a journey through the entire Bible over the course of one year. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God’s Word.