Why Do I Believe?


If you were handed a piece of paper to write down your answer to the question, why do you believe in God, how would you answer?

Three weeks ago in Awaken we did just that. We handed blank sheets of paper to each person in the room and asked them to honestly answer the question. We didn’t want names, just answers. Some were quick to reply. They wrote down the honest truth and brought me their paper and pen. Others took longer in writing down their responses. When all papers were turned in David briefly skimmed through all the answers to get an idea as to where our students were in their belief of God. No one was ridiculed. No one was singled out. We just wanted to know how those in the room came to believe what they believe.

I’m sure some of us adults could answer the question the same as some of the students did. Your response might be similar to one of these:

I grew up in church hearing the Bible stories
My parents took me so I believed because they did
My grandparents helped me first know about God

Whatever the response was it was similar to what so many people will say when it comes to their beliefs. It’s just what I know. It just seems like the right thing to do. I don’t want to be a bad person so I believe. I don’t want to go to Hell so I believe in God. Whatever your reason for believing in God…would you be comfortable sharing that with someone who doesn’t?

Many people in the world still don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Many don’t want to believe or, like some, they just haven’t heard about Christ yet. If God placed someone in your path tomorrow that fell into one of those two categories would your reason of ‘I grew up in church’ lead them to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

We are all called to share the Good News of The Gospel.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)

We haven’t been called to ‘punch our ticket’ each Sunday by going to church, listening to a message, giving a little bit of money, and then going home. We are to live for Jesus every…single…day. We are to be all in. As I shared with the students, it’s having a relationship with God that enables you to share the real reasons why you believe in Him. By talking to Him daily, praying, reading His Word, worshipping Him, and being around other believers we come to see Him in the great and small. For example:

You will take notice of the beautiful sunsets He paints each day on the way home from work.
You will find greater joy in the laughter of your children.
You will come to Him FIRST in the good times and the bad, seeking His advice.

These are just a few things that take shape when you have a personal one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ. These, and so much more, will shape your personal testimony so that when God puts someone in front of you who doesn’t believe you will be well equipped to share the Good News with them. People are eager to hear personal stories of a relationship with God. It might just be the key that helps them truly believe.

So, why do you really, truly, believe in God? Think about it for a moment. When you are certain of your answer write it down. Now, reread it. How does that make you feel? I hope it puts a smile on your face. If it confuses you, or doesn’t seem like a good enough reason, let’s find a way to get you on the path of an amazing life with Jesus Christ.

Stephanie Henderson
Student Pastor

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