Return to Worship Survey

To help us make informed decisions about returning to in person worship services, we would like to gauge your comfort level in the following areas. Please select only one option for each question.

Be assured, we will be following recommendations from the CDC, Hamilton County Health Department and local officials in regards to social distancing, mask wearing and cleaning our space once we do return to in person services including the following:

  1. All attenders will enter through the main foyer before the service and exit through the double doors beside the restrooms.
  2. Volunteers will have contactless, infrared thermometers to take your temperature before entering the building. Anyone with a temperature over 100 degrees will not be allowed to enter.
  3. Hand sanitizer and masks are highly encouraged and available as you enter the building.
  4. Red, yellow and green bracelets are available as you enter the building to help gauge where other attenders are on social distancing. Green bands = “I’m ready for high fives and hugs. Yellow bands = “I’m trying to keep my distance. Let’s talk but not touch”. Red bands = “I’m trying to keep my distance. Please don’t take it personally.”
  5. Worship services will last for 1 hour instead of the normal 90 minutes.
  6. Family groupings will keep a 6′ distance from other family groupings.
  7. Children’s ministry will not be available, initially. Children can sit with you in either the auditorium or the event hall.
  8. The event hall will be available for overflow seating and will include the service being broadcast on a large screen. Alternatively, families with younger children can also choose to use the event hall if they prefer.

The Survey

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