New Bema Discussion Group – January 2025

BEMA Discipleship is a ministry and podcast with Marty Solomon that takes a deep dive into the scriptures beginning with Genesis 1:1. Part of it’s purpose is to understand the Bible through the lens of an ancient near-eastern mindset instead of a modern western one. It’s not intended to be a “study” where we teach Marty, in fact, we don’t always agree with Marty. It’s intended to be a time where we are exposed to some of the deeper meanings of scripture and it’s implications in our lives today. It has become a life-giving group of friends who don’t always agree, but always have something meaningful to discuss. We are starting a new group in January and would like to know how many are interested and what days, times and locations are the best fit. Please sign up and below and we will contact you with more information! BTW, this is not just for those who attend Journey. BEMA discussion groups are open to anyone in our community whether they attend Journey or not.

Which part of town are you interested in attending?(Required)


Jan 19 2025 - Jun 29 2025


All Day

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