Mobilization Fair

Mobilization Fair
Sunday, August 25th
Immediately after Worship

Throughout the month of August, we have been daydreaming, imagining, and exploring what it means to have a “next” in life. We thoroughly believe that “in Christ, there is never not a next”. No matter where you have been or who you are, God wants to meet you where you are and take you somewhere amazing with him.

As you explore what it looks like to imagine what your “next” may be in pursuing God, it may be a change in how you live or see your work, your home, your neighborhood or your friends and family. It may also include your church, but it may not.

If a “next” for you is connected with serving in some way at Journey, we want to make it an easy on ramp for you to get involved in one of our ministries inside or outside the church walls. Following the service on Sunday, August 25th, we will gather for another “At the Table” lunch where we can continue to deepen relationships and make new friends. We will also have some tables setup around the gym to explore some of our ministries and how to get involved.

Whatever your “next” may be, we want to be on your journey with you. You can sign up for something to bring for our “At the Table” meal here.


Aug 25 2024


12:00 am - 2:00 pm

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